12,000 +
These programs are set to prepare the candidates for a successful future in the field. Extra-curricular activities and initiatives for additional skill development also take place in the campus. Hands on training and internships as well are offered to the students preparing them for their careers in the future. The education happens with all the latest methods known to the industry and the programs are governed by highly skilled and expert faculty members. Facilities such as Online tutorials, E classrooms, E journals, Project labs, and several others are provided to the students. The learning is tracked with the help of online class tests, quizzes, seminars and presentations, assignments and a few other methods. The candidate is prepared all around.
List of Offered Diploma Programs
Diploma is a short-term course that gives a precise and basic understanding of the desired field. Several choices of diploma programs are offered to the interested candidates by the institute. Some of these are listed as follows:

CPD Program
Known as Continuous Professional Development program, it is a course that prepares candidates for their professional lives later. It is one of the best courses provided by the SET.


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Diploma in Aircraft Maintenance Engg.
This is the course that is rendered to the ones who are interested in the mechanical technicalities of an airplane or a spacecraft. It is quite and interesting course which is one of the elite engineering diplomas.


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Diploma in Fire Safety
A Diploma in Fire Safety is for those who are looking forward to become professionals in industrial and other kinds of fire and safety. It prepares the students with hands on training and mock drills.


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List of Offered UG Programs
Generally spanning to four years of education, the under graduate programs in the field of Engineering and Technology are quite rewarding. Listed below are a few such programs that can be provide a great start to one’s career:

B. Tech. ME
One of the most common engineering courses, B. Tech in Mechanical Engineering, deals with the expertise in designing, analyzing and manufacturing of tools and various apparatus. There are various specialization options available as well.


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This section of engineering, B. Tech Computer Science and Engineering, helps the students in getting prepared for the technological advances. Majorly, computational skills of the students are concentrated under this degree.


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Bachelor in Computer Science is a course for those who are interested in computer programming and related areas. It is one of the most common courses chosen by the non-medical pass-outs.


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A course that focuses on teaching the students various computer languages. Multiple options for specialization are available under Bachelor in Computer Applications and there is great scope for these graduates in the area of technology.


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B. Tech. EE/LEET
The kind of engineering course that deals with guiding the students with the study and application of electricity is referred to as B. Tech in Electrical Engineering. More than the basic knowledge of application of electricity are acquired by the students.


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B. Tech. ECE
This full-time engineering course that specializes in Electronics and Communication Engineering deals with the details of an electric circuit. Major skills of this course include VLSI design, Signal Processing and communication engineering.


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B. Tech. Civil Engg.
Another kind of engineering course that is common among the aspiring engineers is B. Tech in Civil Engineering. There is a lot of scope for these graduates in government jobs as well.


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B. Tech (Printing and Packaging)
This is a unique and not quite common branch of engineering that deals with the specializing in making the products look appealing to one’s eyes. It is one of a kind which also brings out creativity in students and keeping things not all technical.


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List of Offered PG Programs
Specializing a subject will only bring expertise in the area. Post graduate programs generally take two years and a deeper understanding of the subject is received. OSGU renders PG programs with various specializations and these are listed as follows:

M. Tech. ME
This is a post graduate course that will give the students a deeper and better understanding of machines and materials. It is quite a versatile course that is a part of engineering.


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M. Tech CSE
Understood as M. Tech in Computer Science and Engineering, this course deals with a detailed study of programming and other concepts of computer science. With this course, the students are prepared for their careers.


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A next step for those who wish to study computer science with engineering. Master’s in Computer Science is a post graduate course for those who are looking for a better and in-depth understanding of the subject.


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A Computer Applications course that will provide the students with a deeper knowledge and understanding of computer languages. There are several choices available for the students to choose to specialize.


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M. Tech. EE
A course for the engineering graduates who are willing to acquire expertise in applications of electricity. The course covers process of transmission, transmission and utilization of electrical energy.


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M. Tech. ECE
M. Tech in Electronics and Communication Engineering deals with specialization in application of electronic circuits and electrical connections. It includes expertise in both, hardware as well as software tools.


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M. Tech. Structural Engg.
It is a branch of civil engineering that deals with the designing and constructing certain structures. It doesn’t necessarily need to be related to structure in a building but also in roads, dams, bridges and other such constructions.


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M. Tech. Transportation Engg.
This section of engineering deals with the management of smart transportation systems. Engineers with this degree are responsible for the designing od pavements, traffic signals and highways.


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M. Tech. Geotechnology Engg.
The engineers who graduate from this field have specialized in the materials that are found in the earth’s crust. Their expertise lies in analyzing these materials and determining their use.


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List of Offered Doctoral Programs
There is always more to learn. For those who are interested in mastering the field, OSGU has doctoral programs which are looked upon by well qualified faculty members. List of these programs is given as follows:

M.Phil – CSE, ECE, EE, ME, Civil
This program, Master’s in Philosophy, is pursued by those engineered who have completed their undergraduate and post graduate degrees in the said field. The specialization will depend on the engineering courses acquired previously.

PhD – CSE, ECE, EE, ME, Civil
The next step for those aspiring engineers who are willing to acquire a doctorate in their field of expertise. The curriculum mostly consists of continuation of the research projects that were being pursued at the time of previous degrees.
How to Apply
There are certain eligibility criteria that are to be met in order to apply for any of the desired courses. The process for application is quite simple. You can send in your admission enquiry; or if you are still unsure of the course that is suitable to you, book a free session of tele-counselling; or you can even submit your application for your desired course online.