Program Code


Program Code
Program Level


Program Duration

4 Years


Programme overview

B. Sc. (Hons.) in Horticulture is a 4-year full-time undergraduate course at Om Sterling Global University, Hisar, Haryana. The field of study includes various technical and non-technical aspects of horticulture. But mainly it deals with the science and industry of plant cultivation that majorly includes – berries, fruits, nuts, and vegetables.

The School of Agriculture is the top college for agriculture and horticulture in the entire Hisar, Haryana. Here, we aim to nourish the skills of a student to make them ready for the future. With a course in horticulture, an aspiring student will have myriads of doors open for them – they can venture in any sector, or take part in the latest research and development activities, be an eminent part of the industry by helping the farmers increase their productivity, and so on.

At Om Sterling Global University, Hisar Haryana a student will learn via hands-on approach and workshops that deal with practical and theoretical studies such as – surveying, plant category identification, and field studies too – this includes mapping, hydraulics, safe work practices, and machinery. The wide variety of B. Sc. (Hons.) in Horticulture also engulfs crop production, cultivation, genetic engineering, plant breeding, plant – physiology and biochemistry

Program Objectives

The B.Sc. (Hons.) in Horticulture degree program at OSGU’s School of Agriculture (SAG) has the following program objectives

  • To make the students learn the process of successful propagation of plants
  • Holistic growth of a student and render complete knowledge in
  • Crop Management
  • Gardening
  • Production
  • Marketing
  • Research and Landscape Design
  • Knowledge of nurseries and greenhouse gases
  • Learn the tactics to help farmers skyrocket their productivity
  • Enable the students to make and develop new methods of harvesting

Program Outcomes

The program objective of B.Sc. (Hons.) in Horticulture at Om Sterling Global University, Hisar, Haryana is to make a student ready for tomorrow. The program is made with the utmost care to render the highest and the best quality of education to the students. The program makes you ready to face modern world challenges with ease and become a respectable part of the community.

You will see various career opportunities waiting in front of you and you can choose whatever you want to become. The program is drafted considering all the points that are necessary for the overall development of a student that includes practical and theoretical knowledge of horticulture as well as – developing communication and decision-making skills that have become a must for a successful career in this field.

Career Path

The curriculum of B.Sc. (Hons.) in Horticulture at Om Sterling Global University, Hisar, Haryana has been made in such a way that it focuses equally on – career-oriented aspects as well as theoretical knowledge. This course will open a multitude of opportunities and you can start a highly rewarding career that will lead you to success. You will be able to help the farmers and concerned personnel in horticulture to boost their productivity and enhance the quality of crops. You can also become a marketing specialist who will be responsible to digitally increase the brand awareness of an organization or you can become a sales manager of an area that aims to increase the sales of their organization’s product or service.

With attained skillset and as per the interest of a B.Sc. (Hons.) in Horticulture student, they can opt for:

  • Competitive Exams
  • Campus Placements
  • State Government
  • Central Government Jobs
  • Jobs in Banks and Insurance sector
  • Jobs in Teaching and Education
  • Jobs in Private Sector
  • Becoming an Entrepreneur
  • Agricultural Journalism

Eligibility Criteria

Minimum percentage and others criteria for admission will be as per UGC/ Concerned Regulatory Bodies.

Provided below are the criteria that need to be met for the given course.

For National Students

  • 10+2 examination with PCB/ PCM /PCMB/Agriculture.

For International Students

  • Rule framed by University Grants Commission (UGC) and notified in its website will be followed for deciding the eligibility and admission of International students to various courses offered in Om Sterling Global University, Hisar.

Programme Syllabus

The program syllabus at OSGU, Hisar, Haryana has been made in a very diligent way that assists an aspiring student to keep up with the latest trends of horticulture. The students will be introduced to the latest developments and discoveries in the realm of horticulture. Here, we invite guest lecturers from all over the world from top colleges and universities.

The syllabus is a perfect equilibrium of practical and theoretical knowledge as we comprehend that they both are required for a student to nourish their skill sin horticulture. The program will render you so much knowledge in horticulture that you can venture into entrepreneurship or start working in top-notch MNCs easily. The program is the best in Hisar, Haryana, and with a degree of B.Sc. (Hons.) in Horticulture in hand; a student will be definitely able to make their dreams turn into reality.

Semester I

S.No. Subject
01. Elementary Statistics and Computer Application
02. Fundamental of Soil Science
03. Economics and Marketing
04. Elementary Plant Biochemistry
05. Introductory Crop Physiology
06. Fundamentals of Horticulture
07. Principles of Landscape Architecture
08. Principles of Genetics and Cytogenetics
09. Introductory Microbiology
10. Communication Skills and Personality Development
11. National Service Scheme/National Cadet Corp

Semester II

S.No. Subject
01. Tropical and Subtropical Fruits
02. Tropical and Subtropical Vegetables
03. Principles of Plant Breeding
04. Soil Fertility and Nutrient Management
05. Water Management in Horticultural Crops
06. Plant Propagation and Nursery Management
07. Environmental Studies and Disaster Management#
08. Growth and Development of Horticultural Crops
09. Physical and Health Education
10. Information and communication technology*

Semester III

S.No. Subject
01. Fundamentals of Plant Pathology
02. Fundamentals of Entomology
03. Temperate Vegetable Crops
04. Nematode pests of horticultural crops and their Management
05. Diseases of fruit, Plantation, Medicinal and Aromatic Crops
06. Fundamentals of Food Technology
07. Temperate Fruit Crops
08. Weed Management in Horticultural Crops
09. Commercial Floriculture
10. Elementary Plant Biotechnology

Semester IV

S.No. Subject
01. Soil, Water and Plant Analysis
02. Spices and Condiments
03. Ornamental Horticulture
04. Plantation Crops
05. Breeding of Fruit and Plantation Crops
06. Farm Power and Machinery
07. Insect Pests of Fruit, Plantation, Medicinal & Aromatic Crops
08. Precision Farming and Protected Cultivation
09. Dry land Horticulture

Semester V

S.No. Subject
01. Organic Farming
02. Introduction to Major Field Crops
03. Medicinal and Aromatic crops
04. Introductory Agroforestry
05. Breeding of Vegetable, Tuber and Spice Crops
06. Diseases of Vegetables, Ornamentals and Spice Crops
07. Orchard and Estate Management
08. Agro-meteorology and Climate Change
09. Potato and tuber crops

Semester VI

S.No. Subject
01. Apiculture, Sericulture and Lac culture
02. Insect Pests of Vegetable, Ornamental and Spice Crops
03. Postharvest Management of Horticultural Crops
04. Seed production of Vegetable, Tuber and Spice Crops
05. Breeding and Seed Production of Flower and Ornamental Plants
06. Processing of Horticultural Crops
07. Horti-Business Management
08. Entrepreneurship Development and Business Management
09. Fundamentals of Extension Education

Semester VII

S.No. Subject
01. RHWE – STUDENT READY – Placement in Industries
02. RHWE – STUDENT READY- Placement in Villages

Semester VIII

S.No. Subject
01. Commercial Horticulture
02.  Protective Cultivation of High Value Horticulture Crops
03. Processing of Fruits and Vegetables for Value Addition
04. Floriculture and Landscape Architecture
05. Bio-inputs: Bio-fertilizers and Bio-pesticides.
06. Mass Multiplication of Plant And Molecules through
07. Tissue Culture
08. Mushroom culture
09. Bee keeping

How to Apply

If you have any doubts about B. Sc. (Hons.) in Horticulture you can reach out to us any time via filling-up the Admission Enquiry Form below. If you need a session on which course will be the best for you, click on the FREE tele-counseling button. But if you have decided that B. Sc. (Hons) is the course that you must pursue, go ahead and fill-up the online application now.


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