Program Code


Program Code
Program Level

Post Graduate

Program Duration

2 Years


Programme Overview

Masters of Pharmacy in Pharmaceutical Chemistry is a two-year postgraduate course in the field of Pharmacy. Pharmaceutical Chemistry is one of the specializations of the M. Pharmacy course.  M Pharm Pharmaceutical Chemistry is a non-dispensing area of study in Pharmacy which deals more in synthesis and research aspects of the subject. The subject highlights the synthetic part of drugs. Candidates get to know the chemicals involved in synthesis of life-saving remedies, faster delivery of drugs and drugs metabolism. It also covers the analysis part. It includes quality and assurance tests which ensure preciseness and standardization of the particular formulation designed by the pharmacists.

Programme Objectives

To impart knowledge, develop skills and competencies in students in pharmaceutical Chemistry with a thrust of formulation.

  • To empower postgraduates with a deep understanding and advanced knowledge for the design of novel potential drug molecules
  • To provide a comprehensive and advanced pharmaceutical education leading to M. Pharm. Degree in Pharmaceutical chemistry.
  • To To provide hands on training through state of art infrastructure to inculcate research aptitude in pharmaceutical sciences.
  • To inculcate leadership and entrepreneurship capabilities in future pharmacy professionals.

Programme Outcomes

Students after completion of the course

  • Get knowledge of the basic Pharmaceutical sciences and the ability to acquire, manage and use current information for problem solving. Students get to learn about the skills needed to do quality check and assurance in the drug compounds.
  • The course helps to develop research aptitude in the area of design and synthesis of new chemical entity
  • Know about the synthesis, formulation, analysis, pharmacological, pharmacognostical, biotechnological and regulatory aspects of drugs and biopharmaceuticals.
  • Know about Computer Aided Drug Designing (CADD) and retro-synthetic analysis
  • Identify the rules and regulations involved in the drug discovery and development, manufacture, distribution and sale of medicines.
  • Apply critical thinking skills, including investigation, application, analysis, creativity, evaluation of information, data and documents related to research investigation.
  • Act efficiently as a leader in the diverse areas of the profession.
  • Imbibe the skills of scientific communication and research writing.
  • Develop interdisciplinary research with other health care communities to provide innovative solutions.
  • Exercise ethical practices and moral values in personal and professional endeavours.

Career Path

M.Pharm in Pharmaceutical Chemistry offers immense scope for the candidates in the future. As the pharmaceutical industry is growing day by day, the more number of job positions are getting highlighted and required.  Pharmaceutical Chemistry will inculcate the habit of critical thinking in the minds of chemistry as the subjects involve developing new drugs for the healthcare industries. Candidate fond of doing research will get to discover new drugs from the elements of the organic and synthetic compounds into the medicinal uses. This can prove to be a great career for the candidates as the healthcare and medicine industry holds a great and immense scope in the future as well as in the present.

The job positions include quality and assurance control, Analytical chemist, researcher etc. Candidates can choose the respective specialization and job as per their area of interest and strength.

  • Analytical Chemist: Analytical Chemist performs basic research, process and product development, design instrument and analytical techniques.
  • Drug Inspector: Assisting and checking the quality and safety of drugs.
  • Medical Transcriptionist: It involves dictation and recording of the medical prescription by the physicians.
  • Researcher: Researchers in the pharmacy field usually work in the development of new drugs, pharmaceutical cares and services.
  • Assistant Professors:  providing teaching and developing course material,  for  graduates
  • Doctorate in Pharmaceutical Field: Upon completion of the post-graduation in the M.Pharm in Pharmaceutical Chemistry, candidates can opt for PhD. Interested candidates can carry out research work in their discipline and find more about the new drug discovery and potential drugs.
  • Competitive Exams and Jobs: Candidates can opt for preparing for the entrance exam to get the position of Drug Inspector, Food Inspector, Pharmacist etc. 

Eligibility Criteria

Minimum percentage and others criteria for admission will be as per UGC/ Concerned Regulatory Bodies.

Provided below are the criteria that need to be met for the given course.

For National Students

  • B. Pharm Degree examination of an Indian university established by law in India from an institution approved by Pharmacy Council of India and has scored not less than 55 % of the maximum marks (aggregate of 4 years of B.Pharm.)

For International Students

  • Rule framed by University Grants Commission (UGC) and notified in its website will be followed for deciding the eligibility and admission of International students to various courses offered in Om Sterling Global University, Hisar.

Programme Syllabus

The syllabus of the program plays a major role in how the students turn out for the profession. The syllabus drafted by the School of Pharmaceutical Sciences are detailed and cover the necessary components to ensure a complete and overall education of the students. Given below is the syllabus for M. Sc Pharmacy.

Semester I

S.No. Subject
01. Modern Pharmaceutical Analytical Techniques
02. Advanced Organic Chemistry
03. Advanced Medicinal chemistry
04. Chemistry of Natural Products
05. PharmaceuticalChemistry Practical I
06. Seminar/Assignment

Semester II

S.No. Subject
01. Advanced Spectral Analysis
02. Advanced Organic Chemistry -II
03. Computer Aided Drug Design
04. Pharmaceutical Process Chemistry
05. Pharmaceutical Chemistry Practical II
06. Seminar/Assignment

Semester III

S.No. Subject
01. Research Methodology and Biostatistics*
02. Journal club
03. Discussion / Presentation (Proposal Presentation)
04. Research Work

Semester IV

S.No. Subject
01. Journal Club
02. Research Work
03. Discussion/Final Presentation

How to Apply

Any queries you have about the admissions and related matters, you can fill out the Admission Enquiry form; if you are unable to make a decision on deciding the program, book a free tele-counseling session with us; If you are sure about a program you are enrolling for, you can go ahead fill out the online application.


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